Widgets, Checkpoints, and Polish

Alright, here's likely the last update to this project! Was definitely fun getting to learn all of the intricacies of coding.

First off, I managed to create a menu! Took some widgets, and a few simple pieces of code, first setting up a unique map as the default start, then add all of the widgets and buttons to the menu. From there the buttons all have OnPressed code that allows them to change the map to the playable map, with the movable character. The other button closes the game.

After that, the player can now move around and has parts of the "map" blocked off unless a key is picked up. Past that is the very simple platformer I made with checkpoints and a large death floor.

Overall this has been a fun experience and hopefully when I have better free time I can make an actual game!


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60 days ago

Get Coding 1-Summer 2024

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